Every Single Time. No exceptions. They're all like this.

A plummeting birth rate in the Western world and east Asia and an excess of births in the shithole countries with sub room temperature IQ savages. And right in the center of the second image is a peculiar country who has managed to reverse its declining birth rate problem. Care to guess what the solution was?

And gradually I began to hate (((them)))

What a fucking clown. For modern wahmen it's a race to the bottom towards absolute degeneracy.

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat

I'm all for having waifus (or husbandos if you swing that way), I think they can bring great joy and companionship to someones life. This though... I mean what the fuck, I'm at a loss for words here.

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat @UncleIroh Looks like Donnie T can't catch a break. The Colorado Supreme Court declared that Trump is ineligible for the 2024 Presidential Ballot under the U.S. Constitutions insurrection clause. No doubt playing the J6 card bullshit again.

Another foreign politician partakes of the jew cum

Just a daily reminder to keep on Noticing

I've been thinking about dropping jewpills more often given what's going on in the Levant. I think we're at a critical juncture with more and more people waking up and taking notice of the machinations of the so called "chosen people"

I wonder if shit like this is part of the reason why cocksuckers like Bill Gates are buying up a shit ton of farmland. They'll try just about anything to get people to eat ze bugz.

This is was delivered a little over 10 years after the creation of the federal reserve bank. Little wonder why the so called elites have been eroding the middle class to the point where homeownership is a pipe dream for the majority millenials and zoomers.

You guys think dat ass honks like a bicycle horn when you're hitting it from the back?

Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.