The concept of "pretty privilege" is stupid.
People are attracted to signs of good health and good genes.
Having good survival instincts doesn't make you a shallow/terrible human.
It's quite the opposite.
I know it sucks to watch but getting mad at pretty people having it easier is like getting mad at someone in Mario kart for getting a speed boost.
It's only temporary and in the long term doesn't mean much
@basedbagel They are envious. It is simple.
Spiteful Mutants.
@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @DoubleD @basedbagel
Two people can be chosen for a task they both want to do & only one can be chosen
1 Person 1 is better at the task but ugly
2 Person 2 is pretty but worse at the task
I suggest that when person 1 is chosen instead of person 2 then society becomes dysfunctional
Supposedly male voters tend to select candidates based on their political platform & track record
Female Candidates tend to select Candidates based on how handsome they are
@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @DoubleD @basedbagel
Now since more men are political candidates than women this might by why women evaluate male Candidates based on if they are handsome
Perhaps if all of the political Candidates were female then males might vote for which ever Candidate is most pretty instead of which Candidate has the best political platform & track record
By best platform & track record or most pretty that would be evaluated different based on different voters
@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @DoubleD @basedbagel
I suggest that the primary reason women are weaker than men is not genetic but pretty privelege
The difference between the world record woman & the average sedentary man is much greater than the difference between the male & female world record in speed & strength
Perhaps, the primary reason for women being weaker than men is that women are permitted to be lazy because they are pretty or more reproductively valuable but men are pressured to exercise
@shortstories Have you seen the people who hold world records? They're usually genetic freaks (the 0.1%) and a lot of the women are infertile.
It's no surprise that the difference between world champions is smaller than between them and average people. Just look at WNBA giants and tell me they're better than the average guy due to social pressure.
Sexual dimorphism is the primary reason why men are stronger than women and unless this soyciety completely cucks our species, that won't change.
People who hold world records usually train very hard
They might also be more genetically capable
But if you do not train hard then you do not make the world record in strength, speed and endurance sports even if you are genetically gifted
This might be because you are competing against genetically gifted people
@shortstories Yes, regular exercise is the primary difference between the average person and an amateur at a sport, but beyond that it's different and in the higher levels, it's mostly about genetics.
Regardless, if the primary difference between men and women was social pressure, the history of humanity would be very different and species like the chimpanzee would have a social structure closer to the bonobo.