
Which group is more responsible for taking away people's freedoms?

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@Based_Accelerationist - I often think of how unfair it seems to blame men.

But on the other hand, if men are the ones who do all the things, then that is where the buck stops.

@YoMomz Indeed.

During the pandemic, I was once caught jumping over one of those covid police barriers by a female officer (made more noise than I expected that time lol). I decided to remain civil of course, it wasn't a big deal after all, but in that moment I kept thinking how effortless it would be to knock her out and just walk away. I actually had to resist the urge.

Women cannot enforce anything. It's the men who keep us locked in the cage.

@Based_Accelerationist Your second category encompasses the third since merely having money is of no consequence.

I do not understand why you chose to make this about groups rather than the actions. Groups are just sets of individuals who choose to act.

@DoubleD If I made it about actions alone, my poll would lose its meaning. I made it about groups, precisely to showcase the differences between them.

Money is the primary weapon of Jews (alongside religion). They pay others to act on their behalf.

Women are incapable of acting physically as a group, they require men. The best women, as a group, can do is nag/shame/manipulate men.

Jews are less than 1% of the world's population, they also require other men to do what they do.

@Based_Accelerationist Women always nagged but men chose to empower them at everyone's expense.

@Based_Accelerationist what came first the federal reserve or woman's rights

@37712 @Based_Accelerationist
The fed. Without the fed act of 1913 and centralized money printing, women's right cannot exist as the tax rate must be over 100%.
They are one and the same issue.

@37712 If you mean the right for women to vote in the US, that came after the creation of the federal reserve, although their political power was already being felt before that. They're not unrelated events and they share the same source, but the people who allowed/enforced it were the same ones who fought the two world wars.

19th amendment should be repealed.
(joker knows and the lasso is forcing him to tell the truth)
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