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And for the same reason holocaust denial is illegal in Russia.
As for Nazis being led by a Jew, that's easy to explain. Zelensky is a figurehead, like Biden, he's there for us and the cameras, he doesn't actually lead anything.
But don't they understand the people financing them are owned by Jews as well? Probably not, from their perspective they only see Russia/Chabad Lubavitch as their enemy, they don't pay attention to US politics.

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I was surprised by how easily people (both on the Right and the Left) accepted the whole "Nazis in Ukraine" thing. Meh, Nazis, who cares. Yet it never made sense to me. Why would Nazis be fighting for a US vassal like Ukraine? Are they merely mercenaries? From the footage I watched, it didn't seem like it.

No, the Azov battalion is there because they're against Russia. But why?

Probably for the same reason Putin can't name who's in control. Probably because Russia has been persecuting them.

Funny that jews are jew-ish, but christians, muslims, budhists... are not. Ever wonder why?

Throwback to when the Orange Messiah was asked point-blank if he'd declassify the Epstein files and was caught lying in 4K.

I'm amazed TFM never mentioned this damning interview, since he made sure to praise Trump for not being on that nothing-burger list related to the Epstein files that was declassified earlier this year.

Playlist of Hitler Speeches translated into English with audio in English

Historic Speeches Translated



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When Trump announced the creation of a federal task force to fight anti-Christian bias a few days ago, I expected a little better than this...

Well, it seems Andrew Tate converted to Christianity while he was in prison. Must regret all the times he insulted that religion in the past then.

It sure is nice how all these Right-Wing influencers are finding Jesus in their spare time these days AND even nicer that Jesus protected the orange messiah from bullets.

@Stahesh Halsey mysteriously appeared out of nowhere after DDJ stabbed TFM in the back. It was like a rebound for TFM, except it never ended. Somehow, Halsey enjoys more status than Shogun and other folks who have been around for much longer.

It's impossible to deny the purpose of Abrahamic Religions was to replace non-Jewish cultures when that is precisely what happened.

Can someone remind me how TFM got Halsey on his show.

So far he acts only as news specialist that promote government propaganda like on any TV news.

Like TFM talks about news or what happen and Halsey actually you are wrong even thought the facts beat you in your face.

So it is often claimed that Orthodox "Jews" are OK because they are patriarchal and so have a high birth rate

But here is the problem with supporting Orthodox Jews if they label you as of Gentile Ancestry

Their high birth rate only makes them a bigger threat to your existence if you do not want to be enslaved or executed if they consider your mother to be a gentile

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Christians will never understand how they're both the targets and enforcers of the "sAtAnIC gLoBaLiSt" psyop.

Now they're all outraged at the Olympics. And they're being incited by "right-wing" Jews online to be angry about it: "Even as a Jew, I'm infuriated by this attack on Jesus! How do you feel about it Christians?"

The choreographer who did it, is a gay Jew. It's not satanic, it's Jewish. Their goal is to give Christians credence so they can then psyop you through Trump and Jesus.

On Facebook you get blocked for being accused of being racist

On here you get blocked for being accused of not being racist

Whatever happened to not being in a cult and listening to other people's viewpoints

I actually pondered if they would pierce Trump's ear (ever so slightly) before he took off the bandage to make the whole staged assassination attempt seem a little more believable, but no, they didn't even bother. And why should they? All the maga sheep already believe the narrative and even in the obscure corners of the internet, like this one, you still see many people who refuse to question such an obvious gayop.

Well, here's the messiah's ear, no damage whatsoever:

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