If you didn't know already, Jews want you to convert to Christianity and say that "Christ is King".

This is the ancient secret to Jewish success, lead the opposition and let the shabbos goy do all the work for you.


I dare the Maga cheerleaders to explain why the same "cAtHeDrAl" that was so desperate to kill Trump and repeatedly employed such public and old-fashioned methods, didn't even try to rig the election this time, conceded like gentlemen and congratulated Trump on his victory.

Saying "the rEgImE isn't a monolith" doesn't cut it. If these people had a shred of humility, they'd admit Trump's assassination attempts were staged, instead of making up more excuses to validate their narrative.

It's honestly getting difficult to keep up with TFM's ever changing narratives...

My goys, it's time to admit that @Tfmonkey was right. The Jews that wear those funny hats and live in their communities are awesome. In fact, they only want what's best for us, they're the heroes the West deserves.


Man I sure can't wait for the Chinese government to take their women's rights away... so they can have even MORE Chinese to enforce their collectivism.
And then this idea will spread to their neighbors and we will have even MORE people on this planet and freethinking individualists will become an even smaller minority. Hooray...

Ironically, if it wasn't for AI/ robotics, that would be the plan.

It's as if people think women not being allowed to vote will magically make men strong.

Men never had any rights except for those they were willing to kill and die for. Democracy didn't change this and votes are just worthless pieces of paper, like the constitution. Politicians only listen to the man pointing a gun at them, which in current year is a Mossad agent.

Women's suffrage was just a formalization of men's weakness, it didn't actually change anything. Taking women's rights away at this point would solve absolutely nothing, it would only make the problem even worse.

Oy vey, this is the face of the new Russian-led multipolar world order. It's so much better than what we've had up until now, am I right?

Of course Trump keeps threatening to blow up Iran over the staged assassination attempts.

Anyone who tells you he's better than Kamala, is lying to you. Anyone who pushes the narrative that the dEeP sTaTe wants to assassinate the orange puppet is either controlled opposition or blind.

If Israel controls both parties and one of them was trying to target Trump, WHY would Trump make his death even more appealing for Israel, by blaming Iran and saying the US must obliterate them if they succeed?

Those who plead you to look past Trump's groveling, because if you want to be a politician you have to shill for Jews and deep down he wants what's best for America, must have a vested interest in his victory. It's as if we didn't see what a Trump presidency looks like. He gave Netanyahu the "key to the White House", he pardoned Jewish criminals, he went along with every psyop, how can anyone give him the benefit of the doubt at this point?

I'm no fan of Fuentes but he's telling the truth:

And yet again, Trump vows to prioritize crushing antisemitism, as soon as he gets in office.

It's pretty remarkable that he can't go one day without bending the knee to Jews, he's not even pretending to be pro-America this election.


Here's one of @Tfmonkey 's ANTI -ZIONIST Jews caught in the wild. See how totally different they are from those other zionist Joos?
No no, Judaism isn't the problem, it's just the white-looking zionists that want to enslave you...

But to be fair, props to TFM for not falling for the "fake Jews"/Khazarians/Satanists/Frankists psyops, they're just Jews.


This guy pretty much sums it up, an honest person who knows about the JQ doesn't vote for Trump.

He's, by far, the worst choice due to his sway over Americans. Yes, they're all zionist puppets, but only one politician has the legitimate support of tons of (Christian) fighting age men who are ready to die in Israel's wars under the right circumstances.

Little else matters compared to this. And those who think Trump will magically fix inflation or the economy, are in for a huge disappointment.

So apparently Putin's mother is Jewish...

Wish I could confirm the legitimacy of this document, but this sure explains Putin's actions, such as his obsession with "Neo-Nazis", the story he told about growing up in a Jewish family, his small hat trips to Israel and his connections to Chabad Lubavitch.

There's a reason why all the "Alt Media" controlled opposition, like Alex Jones, is shilling Brics and Putin, because they're kosher.

Trump is given talking points that they know you'll like, but when the chips are down and it's time to actually do something, the orange messiah shows his true colors and defaults to the swamp.


I was surprised by how easily people (both on the Right and the Left) accepted the whole "Nazis in Ukraine" thing. Meh, Nazis, who cares. Yet it never made sense to me. Why would Nazis be fighting for a US vassal like Ukraine? Are they merely mercenaries? From the footage I watched, it didn't seem like it.

No, the Azov battalion is there because they're against Russia. But why?

Probably for the same reason Putin can't name who's in control. Probably because Russia has been persecuting them.

When Trump announced the creation of a federal task force to fight anti-Christian bias a few days ago, I expected a little better than this...

Well, it seems Andrew Tate converted to Christianity while he was in prison. Must regret all the times he insulted that religion in the past then.

It sure is nice how all these Right-Wing influencers are finding Jesus in their spare time these days AND even nicer that Jesus protected the orange messiah from bullets.

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