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When you go MGTOW the is a certain point were Self-actualisation kicks in and I think this video best illustrates that point.

@37712 @Wopu @crimsonrealist I admire your gf however the average women is not like that.

Personally I find that when you're a respected red pill content creator and I enjoy your content however now you suddenly get a girlfriend, I now consider your content contaminated and I don't drink contaminated water I have a water distiller.

So that's how I feel about Hoe Math and Think Before Your Sleep.

If anyone has any opposing thoughts let me know.

@sardonicsmile The fucking sheer pointlessness of engaging with me.

Brianhere boosted
Brianhere boosted

@sardonicsmile Why the fuck are you listening to women talk!? I've just watched all of it and that second woman talking her voice is annoying as fuck.

@shortstories This is beautiful it's like we are winning without doing anything.

@sardonicsmile I was about to listen to all of this then i realised i had to listen to a woman talk so i stopped listening.

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