@ButtWorldsMan @dander @VooDooMedic @zebuceta @basedbagel Defeating NATO militarily is the beginning of the end for the ZOG/Cathedral.

The economic and military might of the US was how it kept the world in line. It lost it's economic might with the backfiring sanctions in 2022, and it's been shown that their military isn't invincible in 2023.

How do they plan on defeating China and Russia at the same time when they can't even beat Russia on their own?

@Tfmonkey @dander @VooDooMedic @zebuceta @basedbagel Let's be honest, though, russia isn't alone. The only reason they were able to withstand the sanctions is because nations not at bended knee to globohomo propped them up in their time of need. Isn't this why NATO is so assmad at India and Saudi Arabia? For daring to not be cooperative with the demands of the faggot world order. It's not just team russia. It's team "fuck the globohomo police."

@ButtWorldsMan @dander @VooDooMedic @zebuceta @basedbagel India didn't have a choice. That's because Russia is a major food and energy exporter during a global food and energy crisis cause by the US's money printing.

Notice nobody threw Iran a bone until Russia (after being sanctioned) became their best friend. It's not so much that the world is sick of the US, but that they need Russian food and energy exports to survive.


@Tfmonkey @dander @VooDooMedic @zebuceta @basedbagel Reminds me of when the war first started and putin's thesis paper (from decades ago) on a commodity based economic stronghold started making the rounds. Russia's positioning was well designed.

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