Some doctor and fitness expert recently told me that I just need to stop having insomnia, work out for several hours a day, and eat less, and I'd lose all the weight I wanted.

Yeah, no fucking shit.

Did you also know that if you're poor you just need to make more money and spend less, and then you won't be poor? Genius!

Also, if you just become a rich and good looking, you'll get all the women you want. What are you waiting for?

This is boomer tier advice. Give my dick a firm handshake.

@Tfmonkey shut the fuck up faggot what do you know you're not even a doctor bitch you're just a stupid monkey you want pics I'll send you pics they'll blow your fucking mind motherfucker if you listen to me you'll be able to do pullups again nobody else better reply to this post because it's meant for you and only you I'll be fucking pissed otherwise so I'm a doctor who's been doctoring as soon as I left the womb you best fucking listen to me and you'll stop being retarded for once

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

Sleep habits are something entirely under your own control.

Knowing that there is a trade-off between sleep and productivity at the cost of health, you have made your choice. And still you choose to bitch about not being able to have your cake and eat it.

Accountability isn't just kryptonite for bitches it seems but monkeys too.

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan I'm not bitching about my insomnia. I'm complaining about useless boomer-tier weight loss advice.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

Word magic is also not just for bitches it seems.

bitching = complaining

you asked for professional prescriptions and didn't like the answer because it requires a cost you're not willing to pay.

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan wrong again. I didn't ask for anything. The doctor in question came to me because he heard me complaining on the show about how my weight loss has stalled. He then proceeded to hype up his amazing plan which turned out to be boomer tier bullshit.

One of us is acting like a woman who hears what they want to hear.

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