The pattern repeats itself again.

Wednesday: blackpill rage
Day or two later: ooh a white pill me happy again
Saturday: blackpill rage
Today: ooh some hopium me excited again


@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey History may turn on a ham sandwich, but shifts in power take time to be felt. Accurate prepositioning is ideal, but I still maintain the following position:

We shall see.

@DoubleD @Tfmonkey but that boring. Me want fuk now. Balls so blue. Need coom now.

@ButtWorldsMan @DoubleD @Tfmonkey

Without saying "TFM needs to move", (because I have no wish to antagonize a decent man)...I think that pattern is just a result of the tension that comes from living on the edge of collapse, and knowing he'll be in the thick of it, when it comes.

I grew up quite poor too, as an Army brat in a large family, so I can relate to "I never wanna be poor again." Thankfully, I have a really good family (excluding step-dad & bio-dad). So I have a good support network.

@YoMomz @ButtWorldsMan @DoubleD I have no one. It's just gonna be me and my sex doll prowling the wasteland like a Fallout game.


@Tfmonkey @YoMomz @DoubleD By allah, if the porn mod infused modlist I'm playing now doesn't have automaton DLC robot waifus I shall be launching my mini nukes in the name of muhammad.

I am certain, however, that the institute is going to have a ton of synth sluts. Some proton powered prostitutes. Can't wait to see it.

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