
Let's check in on ukraine @Tfmonkey

So apparently there's a schism between Zalensky & the leader of the armed forces Zaluzny. With the amount of Zs already in Ukraine, you'd think the russians already won before the war began :^)

Guy had a party. Someone sent him a gift with fake grenades. And then real ones. The fake grenades were opened by pulling the pins. You ever see this kind of assassination trick? Dreizin calls confirms this is an assassination based on video from the target himself.

@Tfmonkey video of the guy asking for no more "gifts."

@37712 @ButtWorldsMan Our greatest ally needed us. Sorry Zelensky. Enjoy being killed I guess.

@ButtWorldsMan There are Avoz nationalists in the inner circle who would rather die than see Russia win, and they'll kill anyone who admits the war is over.

That's the rumor anyway.


Remember when the war first started and then russians and ukrainian negotiators sat in the same room? I distinctly recall seeing a picture of it last year. Then i read that one of the guys who was in that room just disappeared. Poof. Gone. He was allegedly talking about a peace deal with russia. Basically terms of surrender.

I knew jack shit about ukraine and what to make of the invasion but learned pretty fucking quick this country wasn't the good boy we were told they were

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan can they not throw together another”offensive” using nothing but azov and call it quits after they’re killed?

@Mike_Microwave @ButtWorldsMan The Avoz don't go to the front lines unless it's to threaten to kill the conscripts who won't fight.

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