@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey Actual genocide appreciator here. Yes, finish them off. No refugees allowed.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey
You do know Israel has already planned to send them to Europe, right? Don't worry, you'll have plenty of refugees once they're done with Gaza. And it won't stop there either.
If you're a "genocide appreciator" then you'll appreciate Israel's plan for you.
Now, if like me, you only enjoy watching the genocide of your enemy and not your own, then you'll want Iran to do something.

Unless of course, you're a zionist, like Halsey, but odds are, it's just ignorance.

@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey Yes, I know what israel actually wants. I literally have a post about it here on merovingian.

I'd prefer if the kikes cleaned up after their mess. Couldn't care less about palestinians.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey Alright then. I still don't understand how you find it so easy to discard this group of people who legit hate Israel though. It's not like we got much going for our side. Everyone seems afraid of the US and Israel. If Iran doesn't enter the war somehow and everyone decides to cuck out of fear of WW3, it's over for us, the globalists win.
So, unless you're confident the Cathedral is going to lose somehow, you should be rooting for someone to care about Palestinians.

@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey Before israel there was ukraine. The regime wanted to win that war by any means necessary because losing that meant a weaker empire. Ukraine is done. Now the conflict that decides the fate of the world is israel vs gaza? Nigga, please. The cathedral was already on the decline. Major shifts in world power don't happen overnight. Russia and china haven't suddenly given up on their efforts. It may be happening too slow for your liking, but that's geopolitics.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey
We'll see. I don't have enough confidence in any party involved to claim what their goals are. There's a lot happening behind the scenes that we don't know. Israel attacking the Middle East would've been a perfect opportunity to deal a death blow to the American Empire. It's not so much the waiting that is concerning, it's how nonsensical this all is.


@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey
>Israel attacking the Middle East would've been a perfect opportunity to deal a death blow to the American Empire.

You sure about that? You said yourself we don't know what's actually going on behind the scenes. I don't know what the various world powers know internally either. I've been operating with that assumption since day one of the conflict. I'm just observing shit.

Didn't care when hamas attacked israel. Not gonna care when israel kills palestinians.

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