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@Tfmonkey Dreizin provides again. This time posting a video where hamas is showing off western heavy weapons.

Hope those weapons weren't meant for ukraine.

@Tfmonkey Meanwhile, in election rigging news, the regime is going through trump's allies and promising leniency if they all just turn on him. They just got his lawyer. They always got a plea from Sydney Powell.

There's no going back to normal. When you cross the rubicon, just keep going. Taking any L willingly is not an option for the regime. Not here, not on ukraine, not on israel.

Even furries have been negatively impacted by female activity.

British man held by Taliban for 8 months. Goes on vacation from women. Comes back. Immediately regrets it.

Now this is a level of kikery I've never seen before. I've heard of psyops, but this is pathetically desperate.

@Tfmonkey Did you see this? Maverick did a segment on how the US is in over its head getting into more wars and pretending to be the global hegemon. Meanwhile, china, russia, BRICS, etc are turning on the US because it's clear America is weak.

@VooDooMedic Before pulling the trigger, voodoo receives a notification. It's from buttworldsman. What does it say?

"So what if you have kikey nigger blood. Check this picture. I found you a wife. Don't say I never gave you anything."

Upon seeing the image, voodoo bought a ticket to Poland.

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There are people who unironically believe the US will institute a draft to fight for israel.

Go touch grass. Go touch ass. And then look around to what the fuck is going on in this retarded country.

The left and right are now both united on the issue of the Biden regime getting into another war on behalf of Israel. Neither wants to fight for the scum leading the country.

There will not be any fucking draft. There will be a revolt against the government otherwise.

A companion movie to @Tfmonkey's new children's book, Lucas the Mucus.

Title: Little Troy and the Trojan Pitbull

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Movie title:

Lord of the Arches: Return of the King

I've been told this might be a trademark issue. I don't care.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.