
@Tfmonkey Did you see this? Maverick did a segment on how the US is in over its head getting into more wars and pretending to be the global hegemon. Meanwhile, china, russia, BRICS, etc are turning on the US because it's clear America is weak.

@Tfmonkey Meanwhile in the UK, Muslims are uniting under a single cause: holy war against israel.

The English flag is absolutely haram & not tolerated by the police, but the flag of Al-queda is whatever.

This conflict to defend israel is not a war the west can afford to fight. The point of this thread is that all signs point to this being gasoline on the coal fires of ukraine. This is an accelerant that will destroy the globohomo so much faster than ukraine could have.

@Tfmonkey Oh boy, I wonder why people in the Biden regime are resigning.

@Tfmonkey I prefer not to assume that one watches every new video.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

Excellent, more of this.

Prediction: more Deep-State Pro-US Anti-Zio whistleblowers will emerge over the coming year as this shitshow unfolds.

I will absolutely stake @ButtWorldsMan virginity on this.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey If you're right I become a virgin again. Time to go back to the good old days and regrow my cock's hymen.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey I already told you I'm sorry I went in raw before, uncle.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

notice how none of the ppl resigning are Jews, it is only the ppl who are not comfortable with the destruction of their nation.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

I've been a fan of PJW & Sargon for years.

> (British) Muslims are uniting under a single cause: holy war against israel.

Don't care.

* Fuck (British) Israelis.
* Fuck (British) Muslims.
* Fuck (British) Ukrainians.

Be like Japan, Malaysia, Singaore, Ancient Rome, or else become a Muslim shithole.

Your choice.

@37712 I think our future would be better when we will change religion from ✝️ and jews

Under islam jews are second class citizens.

When we see how ✝️is falling with slave morality

We can see how islam do things that needs to be done

I am glad that islam is winning and not jews

I think in future If I need to choose to convert. I will choose ☪️

They are more tradisional and women are not men. Another thing no body will see your woman under their clothes + if she cheat she gets the stone

@Stahesh @37712 Under Islam, Christians and Jews have certain rights. Yes, they're second-class citizens, but they are protected. At least Islam is a man's religion.

Inshallah, we'll live to see the practices of TWRA implemented world-wide and be able to benefit from it, whether that is under the banner of Islam or otherwise.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey If I didn't already know the education in this country is fucked, I would be seriously asking why we tolerated the retards who ran us into the ground.
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