@Tfmonkey There is no 4D chess. There's no careful micromanagement. They're just making shit up as they go along. All they have is their fascist dream in the end.
@MrpoopyButhole @Mike_Microwave @Tfmonkey Best comment all day.
We can hear you drinking from your allahu cumjar on stream, tifum. I heard you've been disappointed with the muslim muhammad mojito lately. T count in the sperm is subpar, apparently.
Leftists are rioting over the gaza war. The democrats are being targeted by the useful retards they've been collecting as part of their voter base. Lol. They were fighting with the cops. Lmao even.
Better yet is the capitol police's spokescuck's desperation to "maintain frame" by referring to these riots as people "violently protesting."
Oh jee golly gosh I sure wonder what a violent protest is typically referred to as.
This is not a drill guys. OY VEY ALERT we have a bona fide OY FUCKING VEY ALERT
I like how he said all racism at the end there to try and dodge the bullets that'll soon come at him. The israel war shit has been a gift for hwite people. Anti-whiteness is now more open for discussion than ever.
The jew cum within her body and bank account are evaporating in real time. Can we all just agree jew cum means kike bux?
Israel is a sollipistic narcissist of a nation. They do whatever they want and demand others clean up their mess. It is a parasitic nation that takes from others while also exporting all its trash to the rest of the world so the rest of them can suffer, while israel smugly enjoys itself before demanding more resources from the same west it's actively destroying.
I've never seen something like this, and they're clearly not an ally at all. Israel is an enemy.
@Tfmonkey @MrpoopyButhole lmao even George knows he's full of shit. Scrub that title boy.