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@BHG here's the thing. It sounds like the relationship is over and she's just an animal you keep around out of habit and legal problem reasons.

If there's no hope, you don't want to give her anything that implies self-improvement. Like smaller sized panties. Or fitness stuff. Or anything calling her fat.

I'm just thinking here's a dildo you filthy animal. Keep busy or something, pet.

@Mike_Microwave Are you listening to this nuke shit from voodoo?

This convo is a complete rollercoaster of fantasy and nonsense. Then he talked about taking over a nation using a tactical nuke like it's outer heaven within DC. Like his mind is in an MGS game.

Australia isn't sending their best.

@Mike_Microwave You're talking about a system where everyone is in on the cumscapades. It's not special.

Ey man naw meen man shieeeeet man bix nood muhfucka nawm sayin man shieet.

Dirty dumb tyrannical scum. Instead of allowing freedom, she wants you to suck jewish cum.


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@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic and I'm sure you'll be back later and pay him to please you again.

@DoubleD lol you posted this as I was observing what a female faggot on twitter did.

Kinda related

@VooDooMedic Most of that pizza, if it's even a pizza, is bread. I hate it.

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic Nope. My aim is to displease men on the internet. It is good there are people like you trying to please other men and being vocal about it.

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic did he give you a wink and smile after saying "I hope this pleases you heheh"?

@DoubleD @Tfmonkey @RoninGrey Say, for example, you have a really good waifu pic, but there's something off about the color of her dress. You can copy the seed of the original, then with that seed image you can add prompts to alter it so everything stays the same except what you wanted to change.

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