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@Zeb "the last samurai" actually refers to the one and only japanese person google's AI created after generating thousands of niggurais.

@red_dread now read the rest of the recent timeline. He's obviously shitposting nonsense.

@VooDooMedic more straya shit showing up on my timeline.

Lot of responses are coming from booty bothered women. It seems like men are once again going to kool-aid man their way into a female space and RKO "women's rights."


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@Based_Accelerationist okay, burny bro. The more self-righteously you moan about my behavior, the more I disregard anything you say.

You're right, he didn't die in vain. He died giving us new memes to use to laugh at him.

@Based_Accelerationist you could've put the fire out with your tears and saved him.

It's the smiley face that sells it.

Order a crane, bitch.

Normal white men are such a systemically discriminated against group of people that seeing them do a job will create the anti-affirmative action effect. If you see a white man there, you know he's a quality employee who is very competent, and you can trust him to get the job done.

If he's not the best, they can easily replace him with a nigger or some diversity hire.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.