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Back the fuck up some real white supremacists are coming through.

Breaking news: Critics of the anti-free shit for parasites policy say if you don't give free shit to the parasites coming to get free shit, then the parasites will not be incentivized to come to collect free shit.

Some "critics" deserve to be fucking shot.

Women fell for the dex vs strength meme

The "champ" is about 5 foot tall btw.

Classic woman moment alert

10 years later: "i made the worst decision of my life. I had everything. A family. A loving husband. And I abandoned it all..."

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And so it was written in the books of history, that the great revolution was defeated not by swords, or words, but by banana.

Owner of kiwifarms explains the real reason AI was invented.

@Tfmonkey from ozempic to a mouthful of weird wieners, your body continues to be a chemistry clusterfuck.

You don't hate regime media enough. You think you do. But you don't.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Tfmonkey this is what happens when you don't haze these faggots hard enough. You gotta stick their face in the toilet Big Lebowski style and drive it into them they can hate leftists and israel at the same time.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.