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@fal1026 It's all fun and games until you're reminded you're not actually a gangster and you're either going to be dead or a prison bitch. Be smart.

Lot of women and simps got mad on xwitter dot com today.

@Mike_Microwave @Tfmonkey @37712 keep in mind the word date means something else to a rapist, btw.

"Always has been"

"What? Always has been what? What the fuck are you ta- *gunshot*"

"Heheh always wanted to do that."

Oh boy, this is going to be a woman moment special. I can't post two videos at the same time, so make sure to watch the 2nd for the surprise.

Doing pullups at local park mini jungle gym that looks like it was made for pullups. There's a US Marine Corps sticker on it. It's like poetry. @Tfmonkey

@Mike_Microwave I know a death in the family can be rough, always remember your rape victims have it rougher and that'll cheer you up.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.