@Mike_Microwave there are degrees of coping and seething.
>Jedi master tries to use force
>can't do it
>fem force is mad at him for not thinking about her
>passive-aggressively activates & deactivates his force powers
>gets mad when he talks to the cute jedi girl she'll never allow to progress beyond padawan
>once a month dark side of the force is more powerful
Now this is not pod racing.
@MrpoopyButhole This was literally the plan last year. Biden will doomp it. We buy when oil is low. Simple as.
@marlathetourist That's one is good because there's no text. I hate shirts with text. I feel like a walking advertisement or political slogan otherwise. A picture of a bulldozer has plausible deniability among normies, but a deep meaning to those in the know.
@MrpoopyButhole I know.
TFM's response was like the nerdy kid being too scared to ask the girl out. Like nigga, Biden can't pump the market forever. The wars aren't going to be over any time soon. We all know the price dropping so drastically within 2 weeks is bullshit despite all the global instability. The closer WTI gets to 70, the more money I put in. OILK also has dividends and is K-1 free. I'm gonna camp out until the end of the year.
@VeganMGTOW Ask the middle east.
@marlathetourist it's simple. The heads of the communist hydra are attacking each other because intersectional marxism has a progressive stack and each group needs to claim they're the biggest victims or their morality/cause is the most important and objectively correct. And so they fight.
Now wait a fucking second. Queers for palestine is the one fighting people at the faggot pride parade? At the poop on penis parade?
@37712 that's cool. 1st wave mgtowism is about not giving a shit about these stupid whores.