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Let's check in on El Salvador.

Hmmm, I don't see any dancing degenerates. He's not promoting marxism or globohomo faggotry. He seems to be in favor of his own nation, which we know is heresy, and he's not telling people to kill themselves to cut down on climate pollution. Uhmazin.

I rate it far-right fascist nazi/10. Not enough Democracy™.

@UncleIroh Sure, I'm talking about the framework as it is now, which prevents one man taking over & doing as they please.

We also have a kind of learned helplessness, but with a political system, where democracy & voting is the only thing people know & believe in. I don't know the bureaucracy of El Salvador, but that's the closest we've seen to a king being elected to do what needs to be done, & so he does. But the circumstances there were dire. Required hard times before the return of the kang

@UncleIroh Then there's the fact that he's a politician. You never know with these people what they truly believe or want.

@UncleIroh like Trump's first term, Milei doesn't have absolute god king authority over the government and has to deal with bureaucracy and other politicians who have to approve of his plans. The pragmatic reality is that if the deepstate doesn't want something done, or for things to be overturned, it won't be allowed to happen. Trump's own party worked against him during his term.

That's why one man can't be the savior. Need a team effort.

Ey yo why you ain't be bleachin yo speghet dat shit dirty

Every single palestinian refugee needs to go to israel.

@UncleIroh Probably because you don't hang around twitter. I've been there for years. He's a real leftist.

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