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@Tfmonkey @Mike_Microwave you forgot to mention the desire to control metal with their minds, so the shekels will count themselves while the jew reads books on more advanced methods to remove skin from cocks.

Come on man you had something really special going and now you're acting like this man come on now she's gonna file for divorce at least you have no kids aww jeez man

@Mike_Microwave what a bullshit shirt. You rape when you're happy, too.

If you can hear exactly how this would sound in your head, you were raised properly.

@RoninGrey per capita is a new euphemism for niggers. Just like with smoke detectors being detected and becoming an identified trend, there has been a trend of blacks not understanding how per capita works. Tariq Nasheed is one of them.

@RoninGrey per capita is a new euphemism for niggers. Just like with smoke detectors being detected and becoming an identified trend, there has been a trend of blacks not understanding how per capita works. Tariq Nasheed is one of them.

How gamers determine what body type is female in a video game

"I did nothing wrong, your honor"

Judge: "indeed, you did nothing wrong."

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.