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He's only scratched the surface on the nigger iceberg.


We wuz parasites

From xwitter: "Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) suggests exempting blacks from taxes.

She then says maybe it's not the best idea because many blacks don't pay any taxes anyway… so maybe give free checks."

@RoninGrey @Tfmonkey Posting this from heaven. That place is overrated. Try to get into hell. It's probably more fun there.

This "dude" is sitting at a bar. Clown walks in and sits nearby. Looks over, honks his horn, and asks, "so which circus you from?"

Niggers will eventually own every word in the english language as a euphemism.

It's like slave owners saying, "wait don't whip them just yet we need to pass the inspection."

I love "democracy." Only the bluepilled can't see what's right in front of them.

People believe @Tfmonkey's dildo pile is just stuff he's waiting to donate to the homeless. It's actually his California sanctioned self-defense weapons.

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2nd amendment rights in liberal cities be like:

"Hey Dan, we got an intruder, time to get cocked and loaded."

Women are happier being wine aunt spinsters, say cope experts.

@Stahesh @Tfmonkey Dogs aren't slaves. They're obedient companions if trained well.

@RoninGrey reminds me of metal gear solid 3 where one of your handlers talks about old movies

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.