@MrpoopyButhole @SamHarris He's your best bud now.
@MrpoopyButhole looks like buddy found a new toy
@VooDooMedic love the coomer manhwa. I remember finding sweet guy, and that shit was not only hot, but gave me a meme to keep for all eternity.
@DoubleD I feel revulsion toward niggers playing music openly on public transportation and want them killed.
@DoubleD kids these days call such things "degeneracy."
@VooDooMedic to protect our democracy
@Zeb @Mike_Microwave reminder that the only thing missing from PC is bloodborne. If that EVER gets ported, consoles will have nothing.
@Mike_Microwave yes. Really cool of them to unveil that boeing flight sim. Aside from crash landing passenger planes, the company will require shaniqua to assassinate potential whistleblowers.