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If snowden did what he did for a crumb of fake pussy worn by some foreign nation's glownigger, I'd happily call for his execution. But he didn't. Total simp death.

I fucking love the internet. He doesn't even need to say it. You know what he means.

No amount of exasperated groaning will ever be loud enough.

Not even autistic women are safe from their own mental disability of being women.

Forget unspoken about elephants in the room, they have a whole fucking gorilla just standing there.

You can tell it's a king because he's the only "european" capable of changing the battery.

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@VooDooMedic more straya shit showing up on my timeline.

Lot of responses are coming from booty bothered women. It seems like men are once again going to kool-aid man their way into a female space and RKO "women's rights."


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It's the smiley face that sells it.

Order a crane, bitch.

Normal white men are such a systemically discriminated against group of people that seeing them do a job will create the anti-affirmative action effect. If you see a white man there, you know he's a quality employee who is very competent, and you can trust him to get the job done.

If he's not the best, they can easily replace him with a nigger or some diversity hire.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.