@Kokki Ukraine is at 18% but still overall a horrible place to live. There's more to a country than taxes.

@Lorgar It's because a reasonable person would want to escape from this sick society.

@dictatordave I really makes you wonder what the men were thinking giving them the right to vote. Also, they didn't have a backup plan for when things went wrong.

@37712 Mabye not. This could be a great deterrent for other women and cause them to have more babies.

Oh, I just got to the part of Wednesday show were he covers this in the show.

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@I_AmTheKnight I watched that part live and it definitely stood out to me.

I just listened to TFMs Monkey's Market Minute for April 22nd. It's fucking insane.

I think TFM just talked about War Hammer for an hour.

@noyoushutthefuckupdad About ten years ago I had this debate with an Anarchist and this is very accurate.

4:24 of TFM's Saturday show: Steven Hawking actually can't suck a dick or breathe because he's dead.

TFM is way too confident about his post apocalyptic prospects for a guy working in financial services driving a subcompact in an LA suburb😂
I'm in a worse position but fuck it

A bipartisan pair of AIPAC-funded senators have passed a new bill backed by the Anti-Defamation League aimed at silencing criticism of Jews and Israel and policing Americans’ online speech.

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