
Have you considered running the photo through a filter app like one meatbag women use to enhance their looks? Might be a easy setting in there to apply eye liner to your AI images.

amazing they are brazen and violeting the sacred cow


HA, niceeeee. Good to see the trash takes its self out.

@Stahesh @Tfmonkey

I figured that would be the case but was hopping Halsey had some counter evidence to share.

Its pretty crazy the Iron Dome is fake but at the same time you have to expect it that. Clever tactic for sure and TFM's Jail House Laser analogy was pretty good.


I might have missed it but did you talk to Halsey about the Iron Dome being fake and gay?

@Gonzo17 @shortstories

Haven't looked a germinating seeds in a while but I use to put them in a plastic bag wrapped in a soaking wet paper towel. IIRC useing full water might take longer or over saturate. Check, I could be half remembering haha

I was just listening to the Wednesday show. Why do does it seem that people like to shout and grow defensive, not addressing the points carefully so that accuracy is maintained in discussion? I personally am not a fan of it. Are we searching for understanding or trying to show that we can shout more vehemently?

@marlathetourist @Scubbie

For real, that bitch got 500 million blaming the men because vagina.

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