Look, @Tfmonkey. They're just being playful. Like @VooDooMedic.

To anticipate Voodoo's question, yes, it's real, and it happened in California.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey they are still trying to appeal to an authority that wants them dead so idc until they started stacking bodies in the street

@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey They're calling in with names like Kate Hikes (hate kikes) and Anders Brevik and calling the mayor a faggot kike in a public meeting. They're not trying to appeal to anyone, especially those in power.

@ButtWorldsMan @VooDooMedic Calling the mayor a "fucking kike" who sucks baby dicks is one thing, but let me know when they stop worshipping the police and military. THAT is when I'll know shit is getting real.


@ButtWorldsMan The last one could be an actual photo.

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