Been doing my usual of having my work youtube account suggest videos for me to watch, and then I spotted something. The thumbnail on the vid was so fitting I had to screenshot it.


@Tfmonkey Just started watching this video. After about 10 minutes and observing his language, framing, and him suddenly citing the italian marxist Antonio Gramsci, I have concluded the channel owner is a dirty fucking commie. No point watching the video because he can't do Mr House justice.

@ButtWorldsMan to be fair, the writers of Fallout New Vegas themselves were probably Leftists, and wrote House as a caricature.

@Tfmonkey i believe the writer behind Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle, also created a caricature. An empiricist who was hyper skeptical and militantly anti-mysticism or supernatural. And so he inadvertently created a role model for logical, rational scientific thought.


@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey The same can be said for the director of the Starship Troopers movie, Fight Club, or the Barbie movie. An attempt was made to make fun of a character or to set up a caricature to disparage those who oppose their personal viewpoints, and--behold--they create an icon, a mythical figure, for those whom they were trying to belittle.

TFM beat me to it.

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