Been doing my usual of having my work youtube account suggest videos for me to watch, and then I spotted something. The thumbnail on the vid was so fitting I had to screenshot it.


@Tfmonkey Just started watching this video. After about 10 minutes and observing his language, framing, and him suddenly citing the italian marxist Antonio Gramsci, I have concluded the channel owner is a dirty fucking commie. No point watching the video because he can't do Mr House justice.


@ButtWorldsMan to be fair, the writers of Fallout New Vegas themselves were probably Leftists, and wrote House as a caricature.

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@Tfmonkey i believe the writer behind Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle, also created a caricature. An empiricist who was hyper skeptical and militantly anti-mysticism or supernatural. And so he inadvertently created a role model for logical, rational scientific thought.

@ButtWorldsMan other modern examples are Tyler Durden from Fight Club and Ken from the new Barbie movie.

Both were created to be caricatures for the author to make fun of, and both became iconic in their movies despite being meant to be secondary characters.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey The same can be said for the director of the Starship Troopers movie, Fight Club, or the Barbie movie. An attempt was made to make fun of a character or to set up a caricature to disparage those who oppose their personal viewpoints, and--behold--they create an icon, a mythical figure, for those whom they were trying to belittle.

TFM beat me to it.

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