I see arguments of this form from Christian Nationalists a lot:
1. If we were Christian, we would ban {a bunch of things like feminism}.
2. We really want to ban those things since they're bad.
3. Therefore, we should force Christianity on folks.

This is an affirming the consequent fallacy.

Further, we don't need to force this religion to ban bad things. Christianity, as history has shown, also brings its own bad things.


@philosophy @UncleIroh @basedbagel Looks like you've have been having a lively discussion.

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@DoubleD @philosophy @UncleIroh @basedbagel @YoMomz

Morality doesn't matter. Only consequences. Humans respond to consequences. That's why Christianity has failed or been corrupted. It was neutered of it's consequences.

It's rewards and consequences are promised too far away - after death. Death isn't real to most people anymore until old age.

They are no immediate consequences unless we are bringing back stoning.

@redmaple @DoubleD @philosophy @UncleIroh @YoMomz

I mostly agree that we need consequences and stoning is a good start.

I do believe morality does matter because if you ignore it long enough you can lose the ability to live with yourself and go crazy

@DoubleD @philosophy @basedbagel

Hey DoubleD, yes. A good time was had by all I think. At least I had fun, and some others chimed in along the way.

@UncleIroh @philosophy @basedbagel I'm glad you enjoyed yourself! It was something to read through all that. There were times when I wanted things to go a bit slower and more carefully so arguments could be laid out; maybe it would have resulted in more understand? It was enjoyable nonetheless.

@DoubleD @philosophy @basedbagel

Glad you enjoyed it. Yes, I also prefer a slower pace that allows me to better organize my thoughts, but there's also the 500-character limit. There's not that much room for nuance with such constraints.

@DoubleD @UncleIroh @philosophy

TBH I was shocked anyone read all that lol I thought it was just me and Iroh.

I like the attention span of the people here.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD @philosophy Ngl I was a littel triggered at 1st but overall it was fun.

I try to stay off the internet but you just can't have these conversations anywhere else.

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