I was listening to "A World Without Men" by Aaron Clarey, and while I am enjoying most of it, he seems to believe in no uncertain terms that the male sex drive is responsible for civilization because males made the transaction that males make with females (i.e. protection and provision for sex).

I do not believe that the males wanting to make a deal with females of resources for sex is why civilization came about.

@DoubleD @Zeb @basedbagel

> I do not believe that the males wanting to make a deal with females of resources for sex is why civilization came about

Well that's a belief you'll probably need to change since there's great evidence to prove it, or at the very least not disprove that connection.

I'm partway through a huge tome of a book called "Sex and Culture" by JD Unwin who published it in 1934. It's a serious piece of scholarship spanning 5000 years, 6 civilzations and 80 tribes ..


@DoubleD @Zeb @basedbagel

.. and his conclusions are that:

1. the quality of any civilzation can be measured by the extent to which female sexuality is controlled by men (i.e. from absolute patriarchy to polgamy/polygyny).

2. that civilzational collapses are directly connected to point 1.

For a summary of his work I can recommend the following:

Article: arctotherium.substack.com/p/re

Video: vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=nF9NPou

Unwin's book: a.co/d/7B5Pq14

This is likely where Clarey got it from.

@amerika @DoubleD @Zeb @basedbagel

Yes his name is mentioned in that article. I wish his work was more well known and discussed.

It seems as if Aaron Clarey has used Unwin as a major source for his recent book, and I'm totally down with that.

A fun side fact: Unwin died the same year as Oswald Spengler, another great scholar who also did a massive cross-civilizational study for his book "The Decline of the West".

@amerika @Zeb All these points made in your discussions, @UncleIroh and @basedbagel, were reasonable, and I cannot disagree with them being factors in the construction of civilization.

I take issue with Aaron's pronouncement that access to sex is the sole genesis of civilization.


@amerika @Zeb @UncleIroh @basedbagel I appreciate you bringing up Unwin. I'll have to have a read of his work.

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@DoubleD @amerika @Zeb @basedbagel

No worries. I'm just down for the discussion and am glad you brought the subject up.

Which audience do you think benefits the most from Aaron Clarey's latest book?

@UncleIroh @amerika @Zeb @basedbagel I think it's those who are just graduating from the Sandman level and Ex PUAs. They need the next step that justifies for the common man what they've learned from the entrance speakers. If they went straight to TFM or Marcus, they'd not have the deeper understanding of themselves that only comes from ascending the stairs of redpill content through experiencing it themselves.

@DoubleD @UncleIroh @amerika @Zeb @basedbagel Yeah I think Clarey leaves out the dominance instinct, women are just another resource that men compete for. Men naturally want to acquire the best resources, whether it be food, farm land, territory, fresh water, hunting grounds etc and dominate/compete over other males to obtain the best. Civilization as a whole is just men cooperating with each other on a broad scale to fortify their resources, and shield it from other threats/competition.

@I_AmTheKnight @DoubleD @amerika @Zeb @basedbagel

Yes, from an evolutionary perspective a civilization could be defined as a mechanism for enhancing the survival & reproduction of human populations across generations, so females are definitely an imporant resource for that to succeed.

By that definition we have failed since no Western country can reproduce itself.

Where we go from here is anyones guess, but whatever succeeds has to happen around new communities of shared identity/values.

@UncleIroh @I_AmTheKnight @amerika @Zeb @basedbagel Indeed. After we're long gone, humanity will toddle on as it tries new ways of organizing, growing, and killing itself. Such is the way of humanity as we learn the ways of the Universe.

@DoubleD @I_AmTheKnight @amerika @Zeb @basedbagel

Thing is, the WEF/CCP vision of a technological utopia where AI rules over humans and we are treated like dumb farm animals has a non-zero chance of coming true.

Their plan is to dispense with ground-up shared identity/values in favor of total top-down control, and they'll use a mix of depop eugenics and soma to do it. Basically a complete takeover of evolution.

Problem is, women eat that shit up all day long which makes it that much harder.


@DoubleD @I_AmTheKnight @amerika @Zeb

Tbh I don't fear the WEF/CCP. They're clearly running out of time

I fear the desperate normies.

@DoubleD @UncleIroh @I_AmTheKnight @Zeb @basedbagel

Evolution is always a possibility.

This is why it has been opposed for at least 2k years.
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