
I agree I don't align with the right either but I'll take them over the left since they get in my way less.

>Still waiting for TRP or anything else to have an impact

I disagree. If we weren't having any impact why would the secret service be making reports about how dangerous we are?

Why ban us from every mainstream platform?

It may not look like it but men are starting to wise up.

Without the red pill I'd be married to some fat bitch in debt up to my eyeballs.

@basedbagel @BHG @UncleIroh I have to remind everyone that changes in culture take years, and there are rarely, true watershed moments.

Red pill ideas certainly aren't new, but the agenda of the servants has been to supplant the systems of knowledge transfer, both formal education and traditional knowledge such as that which happens in male spaces. The objective has always been to destroy the society which they saw as enforcing their servitude though in truth, it is a mindset.


@basedbagel @BHG @UncleIroh The cure is like any cure for any illness (by analogy): you inoculate yourself against the disease, avoid actions with make you susceptible to the disease, and you go through the symptoms until Nature's process works its ends taking curative medicines to fight the disease and avoiding quacks who promise an easy solution. That means death or suffering until recovery. The disease in this analogy is identifying with weakness and adopting slave morality.

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