@basedbagel @BHG @UncleIroh I have to remind everyone that changes in culture take years, and there are rarely, true watershed moments.
Red pill ideas certainly aren't new, but the agenda of the servants has been to supplant the systems of knowledge transfer, both formal education and traditional knowledge such as that which happens in male spaces. The objective has always been to destroy the society which they saw as enforcing their servitude though in truth, it is a mindset.
@basedbagel @BHG @UncleIroh There are some ideas here, I think. I'll have to save them for my work. Thanks for your conversation above, everyone.
@DoubleD @basedbagel @BHG
Well said. Changes are indeed rare and slow moving.
One thing I'd encourage is getting used to thinking and planning in generational spans of time.
I don't have any evidence for this, but anecdotally it appears that very few people think this way anymore, even though it has many benefits.
@DoubleD @BHG
I agree but for my generation we're too busy trying to stay above water than think about 50+ years ahead.
I'm trying to do the same and idk if it's because I'm young but looking at s goal with a time horizon of 10+ years is so demotivating for me.
Plus the 🌎 moves so fast now I had to review my 18 month plans 4 times
@basedbagel @DoubleD @BHG
I do get it. I'm talking broad brushstrokes. Here's an example.
Assume that your life choices and decisions will in some fashion connect Grandpa Bagel to your future son, Bagel Jnr and his son Bagel III, etc.. That all happens through you and God. You're the intermediary.
Your choice to study redpill already means you don't get saddled with early marriage to an entitled fat bitch, which connects you to Bagel Jnr.
It brings the aspect of duty into your choices.
@DoubleD @BHG
> It brings the aspect of duty into your choices
This was the perfect way to frame it. I get it now. Thanks! @UncleIroh
@basedbagel @DoubleD @BHG
You're welcome.
@BHG @DoubleD @UncleIroh
> I'm going to have to move to your instance
Come in in! It's crowd of people here
> I'm bed ridden now
Hope you're okay bro 🙏
@basedbagel @BHG @UncleIroh The cure is like any cure for any illness (by analogy): you inoculate yourself against the disease, avoid actions with make you susceptible to the disease, and you go through the symptoms until Nature's process works its ends taking curative medicines to fight the disease and avoiding quacks who promise an easy solution. That means death or suffering until recovery. The disease in this analogy is identifying with weakness and adopting slave morality.