
@VooDooMedic Hold up... I accidentally cut this little tidbit when trying to swap out the long-form text, and I'm sure you'd not want to miss this:

In 1907, there was a major financial panic which had a great number of causes. (Just search for "Panic of 1907".) One response was put forward by Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff articles and speeches advocating for a central bank which was supported by multiple other influential bankers.

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@DoubleD @VooDooMedic

Warburgs are Jewish there is a lot of info on them on wikipedia

People have told me Schiff family are Jewish and connected with Trump but I know less about them

A Warburg family member funded Hitler then most of them fled to the USA after one of them funded Hitler

@shortstories @DoubleD @VooDooMedic I think what happened is that a lot of Royal houses got into debt with certain financiers. These financiers then got influence over them. They were leveraged. They probably still are.
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