@VooDooMedic i have not looked into it but i think the main reason they got kicked out of all countries was debt - their main weapon. Even in Mesopotamia, i think in the first ten days of new year the debts were wiped off. And I think even muslims today cannot issue debt to their own. And i think modern jews cannot borrow from their own either. So it seems only christians got fucked.

@Justicar I have a photo somewhere of some austic fuck who listed all their kick outs with time periods reasons and sources

@Justicar @VooDooMedic Charging interest is haram, but they can still loan money to people via premium contracts and other such instruments. See here: investopedia.com/articles/07/i

@VooDooMedic I'd like to mention that the United states had attempted several times to create central banks:
* Bank of North America: charter repealed in 1785 due to corruption.
* First Bank of the United States: Charter not renewed before the war of 1812.
* Second Bank of the United States: Charter expired in 1836 under Andrew Jackson's refusal to renew it.

* The 1863 National Banking Act created the precursor to what would be the Fed, and implemented many practices such as a uniform national currency with bank notes, which were different from the paper money the treasury issued, backed by government debt rather than precious metals.

Then in 1913 under the recommendations of a Republican-led commission a fellow by the name of Woodrow Wilson signed a bill creating the Federal Reserve System to create a centralize bank to control the regional Federal Reserve banks.

@VooDooMedic Hold up... I accidentally cut this little tidbit when trying to swap out the long-form text, and I'm sure you'd not want to miss this:

In 1907, there was a major financial panic which had a great number of causes. (Just search for "Panic of 1907".) One response was put forward by Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff articles and speeches advocating for a central bank which was supported by multiple other influential bankers.

@DoubleD @VooDooMedic

Warburgs are Jewish there is a lot of info on them on wikipedia

People have told me Schiff family are Jewish and connected with Trump but I know less about them

A Warburg family member funded Hitler then most of them fled to the USA after one of them funded Hitler

@shortstories @DoubleD @VooDooMedic I think what happened is that a lot of Royal houses got into debt with certain financiers. These financiers then got influence over them. They were leveraged. They probably still are.
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