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@Mommy Say "please", put some clothes on, and then we'll go to the kitchen so I can instruct you in the methods to prepare food.

@Shadowman311 You can almost hear the desperate venom dripping from her reply. Thousands of reposts, and the internet has spoken by remaining silent.

@Mommy I stopped watching a while ago, but I enjoyed the show.

@UncleIroh @ToyotaTime @Zeb Children always are casualties of war. Each innocent death is as disgusting as the last from the perspective of humanity. All their potential is wasted on the altar of good intentions for a utopian ideal or ambition.

@Shlomo I was just thinking about how ineffectual that headgear is.

@Mommy I've always wondered why some males like females who work on cars or do other manly things. The idealized female body is not built for such. If such a tomboy could be had, she's not going to be working on that car when kids come around. She'll be too busy with them; so, what is the point?
I can guess: the dream is basically a guy who has the body of a female and is just for sex. I see that as short-sighted.

No criticism on you, @Mommy, just asking the fedi. I love your posts.

@deprecated_ii How much fabric would she need? How much shampoo for her hair? I want to understand the logistics!

@sardonicsmile Additionally, there are different objectives a female will attempt to reach with different varieties of males.
Sex for fun and babies are had the attractive males who have good genes.
Relationships for companionship, protection, and provision are made with males who have social status or wealth.
For a female to achieve the outcomes for her terminal goals, she'd have children with the best genes and the provider with the most wealth. She doesn't care if they're different males.

It's not just good looking men.
Attractiveness is a biological indicator of gene's healthiness and fitness. Wealth is an indicator of the means wield power within society by the exchange of goods. Social status is an indicator of the means to wield social power to obtain what is desired.

It's about expressions of power.

@Eiswald That's nature's catharsis. I too am one who appreciates the natural consequences of actions being experienced.

@haberdasher @kroner @Hoss There were many people who warned about female suffrage just like there were many who warned about universal suffrage, but when has that stopped people with ideals which don't conform to reality from arduously perusing them at the expense of everything save for their feelings?

@pepsi_man @deprecated_ii Maybe we have different definitions of profit. What do you think profit is?

@mkultra It's a fascinating universe, if a bit simple at times because the plot was driven by toy sales.

@sickburnbro Even if we assume the numbers are correct and if we remove all the low-cost workforce, where are we going to get workers to pay for the welfare for the rest of the collectors of benefits? The US has a below-replacement birthrate, and government spending exceeds tax revenue annually.

As an aside the $8/apple figure is more due to inflation than anything else.

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