@Pain66 The mere fact that the real meteorologist is male says all I need to say.

@houseoftolstoy Yes. The moment any society is doomed to self-inflicted collapse is not when X person is elected or when Y law is passed.

When males let females have any power, that society begins the path to this form of destruction.

I am convinced more and more that while accuracy in models about the world is critical, the acceptance of roles based on those models is what most people need to know that they are happy.

@UncleIroh @Zeb @Tfmonkey I agree that UncleIroh's model is more accurate, but I also disagree. NPCs are following their programming perfectly. It's the program that has kept the majority of humanity alive for generations: Conform. If a person does have an inner monologue, they are told via social pressure that only external monologues matter.

@ButtWorldsMan Mr. A appears to sympathize though. We've all been there.

@marlathetourist He just signed up for all kinds of medical and legal problems.

@37712 @Zeb @UncleIroh @Tfmonkey I'm glad you brought this up since I just listened to that segment of the show.

@UncleIroh @Zeb @37712 @Tfmonkey Thomas Sowell talked about this in "Basic Economics" phenomenon when he discussed street sellers of individual cigarettes vs packs or cartons who sit right outside the store that has said packs and cartons. They are effective middle men because the population is too poor to purchase a larger volume due to the high cost of fuel and thus logistics. It's not a one-to-one relation with this example, but it is related.

@UncleIroh @Zeb @37712 @Tfmonkey Decentralized agriculture will crop up (lol) once again when it becomes economical to have it. The reason farming shifted from distributed to centralized is because the big operations could out-compete others with government lobbying and lower cost of production with mono-cropping, grain-fed animals, etc.

Decentralization can't happen until it becomes uneconomical for the big operations to work, which requires a breakdown in logistics and fuel availability.

@UncleIroh @Zeb @37712 @Tfmonkey I completely agree that privatization and the free market is the solution. Get government out of the industry and soon you'd see individuals creating new solutions to solve problems.

To your question, @UncleIroh, the amish still have to play by all the rules the government imposes with a few minor exceptions, but they basically do everything within the community like most orthodox communities. Such groups have store fronts to sell to the wider community.

@UncleIroh @37712 @Tfmonkey Indeed. If we didn't use corn silage and soybean meal to feed cattle to make meat as cheap as it is, instead feeding them grass, they'd be healthier.

For humanity to go to 100% grass-fed beef though, meat needs to double in price per unit of weight if not more. That is also being conservative because cattle require large amounts of acreage to raise exclusively on grass.

We won't move away from such corn, soy, and silage-heavy diets until there is no fuel at scale.

@UncleIroh This is another reason to not live in cities.

@RoninGrey Which ones have you used thus far that work?

@Pain66 The father of the daughter shouldn't have let them be together unchaperoned. That would have avoided the whole situation. He also should have explained to the boy why he was angry, and smacked his daughter for disobeying as well. The argument can't be made that the boy is the responsible one and thus worthy of a punch in the nose because neither of them are of age--worthy of being kicked out, sure. Marriage and romance should never be about feelings. It is about family.

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