
@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey
The files are too big so heres a PDF via google drive. This is a short read on how and why christianity was invented by Rabbi Yeshua (AKA Jesus) and Rabbi Akiva (AKA Paul the Apostle) to basically cuck the goyem into adopting slave morality. Unfortunately, it worked.,

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@Tfmonkey @Based_Accelerationist I don't have an AI subscription, they are fairly short reads. Not more than 11 minutes or so.

@Engineer I'd like to read it, but it's kinda weird that the user with the files, requires us to send them an email requesting access. What is the name of the book?

@Engineer @Tfmonkey Thanks for the link. I read it, it's a nice summary of what Christianity preaches, its likely purpose and how it contrasts with Judaism. Nothing we didn't already realize, but it's nice to have it all spelled out. As for the historical bit, the theories on who "Paul" was, or whether Jesus is fictional, are certainly possible, but there's no way to prove any of it.

Btw, here's the perspective of a Christian Jew, on Paul and Akiva (skip to 18:00 min):

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