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@BobsonDugnuttHB I can tell by the markings that these are soviet shells.

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Engineer boosted

fresh meme from the meme oven.

For when boomers and zionists causally suggest that America/Israel should use its nukes.

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Engineer boosted
"How did you escape the gas chamber?"
"I walked backwards out of the room."
"You mean you turned around and walked out?"
"No I walked backwards and no one noticed me."

@shortstories @VeganMGTOW Communists don't like any religion including christianity because they don't like competition. Communists demand that the government be worshipped, ergo any other religion is unacceptable to them.

But rest assured, the foundations of leftism are in christianity. Universalism, egalitarianism, blessed are the poor, the meak (slaves) shall inherit the earth, etc.

@shortstories @VeganMGTOW Thats cuckoldry and copium. Christianity was created by Jews to undermine the roman empire by created and crafting a religion that would specifically be appealing for the slaves of Rome. And it worked.

@shortstories @VeganMGTOW

Romans 13 is proof of the bibles cuckoldry. Instead, I posit that one should conquer those who are inferior to you yet claim to be your superior. What is best in life is to see your enemies conquered and driven asunder, to hear the lamentations of their women, and take from their ranks your new slaves as they cry in pain and suffering.

@shortstories @VeganMGTOW This is absolute copium and cuckoldry. If its a sin to collect taxes then why does the Bible command its followers to pay taxes? Why does the bible laud the "leaders" of the nations as servants of God? Get real my guy. Christianity was created by Rabbi Yeshua to cuck the Goyim, specifically the Romans, into adopting slave morality. And it worked.

The proper response to being slapped isn't to turn the other cheek, its to cut their head off.

@shortstories @VeganMGTOW
Romans 13:6-7, St. Paul writes, "That is also why you pay taxes, because the authorities are working for God when they fulfill their duties. Pay, then, what you owe them; pay your personal and property taxes, and show respect and honor for them all."

@VeganMGTOW No, leftists do not hate christianity for the same reasons as you or I. They loathe christianity because they perceive it as being western and traditional and seek to destroy all that is western and traditional. The roots of leftism are in christianity: equality, egalitarianism, charity, meakness, martyrdom, modesty, forgiveness, blessed are the poor, etc. The opposite of these are actual traditional Western culture: Glory, strength, might, wealth, power, victory, etc.

If there is any doubt that christianity was created by the Jews to cuck the goy into slavery, let that doubt subside today.

@Shlomo @Tfmonkey These Israeli morons are putting the enemy on death ground. The palestinians are a cornered animal. There is no border they can flee to. Surrender is not even an option, for the Israelis will genocide them and they know it. The Palestinians will actually fight to the last living human, even the children. They literally have no other option. They are on death ground. Sun Tzu said to NEVER force the enemy on death ground. We already know the outcome of this war.

Ben Shapiro and the entire ethnostate of Israel on the beheaded babies:

These are the real Jews and the only Jews I fully support. We need to convince all the black people of their true heritage.

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