@SrbijaStronk Thats not going to happen. Saudi Arabia and Iran are starting to develop closer relations, whilst Saudi Arabia is distancing themselves from the West and America because the US has been screwing them in the comex markets going on two years because of the naked shorting of oil.
@Tfmonkey Regarding Venezuela and oil, Venezuela has a resource called Orimulsion. Its made from bitumen. They have a lake of Bitumen that contains 1,300 billion barrels, which is more hydrocarbons than all the crude oil reserves in the world combined. Orimulsion is a direct substitute for diesel and is very cheap. Its only real disadvantage is its high viscosity at low temperatures, which is true for all diesel fuels.
@Tfmonkey Anytime some welfare idiot says "look how much this rich guy is worth!" I have to ask them, WTF are they going to do with a General Electric AC 6000CW Locomotive? Its a three million dollar unit that requires 5 figure annual maintenance, specialized supply chains and infrastructure, and a trained crew to operate. Also you need rail cars which each cost six figures to purchase as well. How the fuck are they going to redistribute this? Over 90% of the economy is like this example.
@Arty24 This guy is completely ignoring the fact that we've found the City of Troy and Alexander the Great himself said that he visited the Tomb of Achilles.
@Tfmonkey Its not a good sign but Israel has yet to actually launch a real ground invasion, they have only continued bombing and tunnel clearing. Israel seems to be delaying their ground invasion for some reason. Perhaps one of their generals (rather unfortunately) came to their senses. . . .
@ForbiddenDreamer Such naivete on his part.
@mischievoustomato "Sanity is for the WEAK!" -Warhammer 40k Chaos Marine
@Wormwood They look like Orks.
@Tfmonkey You also get your news from memes I see. I fellow man of culture!
@Turkleton Please give me the original source to this, I want this post to be real! Thanks!
@shortstories Further proof that christ is cuck.
The enemy only understand V. Thus its the only logical choice.
Machinist and entrepreneur.