@Zeb @PatriarchsHittingMarks Fuck yes Nietzsche did. Its only the fear of death that keeps religion as we know it today alive. These cowards are too scared to die, so they need the promise of an afterlife to keep going.
@PatriarchsHittingMarks Keep worshipping a dead jew that compels you to prey for your enemies. See where such slave morality takes you.
@PatriarchsHittingMarks You're not saying anything I haven't heard before, and you're making a lot of assumptions (that are wrong) about me. Its all too trite and predictable. TLDR you need a sky genie to feel good and need to be commanded/told what and how to think to function at even a base level. But no matter how much it pains you, it is a fact that reality is without morality and exists independent of such silly human concepts.
@thefinn Solution: Ban women from working and going to school and college until they have at least 3 kids. No jobs or school until they have three kids. Done and done.
@Zoomerman88 Tattoo detected THOT rejected!
@Nazareno Maybe, just maybe, Mustache Man had a few good points on the subject.
@Nazareno TLDR: "Oey Vey You're gonna hear from my Lawyer!"
@Tfmonkey I'm really, REALLY looking forward to the collapse of America and the crying of soyboys everywhere. Remember how they cried when Blompf won in 2016? Imagine how much they will cry when their GOD, the Federal Government, gracelessly dies and violently implodes in on itself! Drinking their tears will be even more satisfying than what will come immediately thereafter: bathing in their blood.
@Tfmonkey Name another country beside Israel that can fire missiles at an American warship, hit it, murder a shitload of US Navy sailors in doing so, and the US government responds by covering up the incident on behalf of Israel. USS Liberty. I'd love to hear Halseys cope for that one.
@suquili People are only racist when they have to live with blacks. In other words, when the true nature of blacks is exposed, people become racist.
@ButtWorldsMan The fact that Telegony is a thing will only increase his hatred towards his mother. And rightfully so. Arranged marriages need to be brought back. They can't sleep around if they are married at 13.
Machinist and entrepreneur.