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@get Technically no, because incels want sex. Volcels do not want sex.

So apparently Jews built the first mosque in the UK. That's fucking weird.

After defeating all the women 2 biological men will compete for Olympic Gold in women's boxing.
This is great.

@herbpigott These "people" deserve to be tortured to death.

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@Tfmonkey It reminds me of the handicapped "martial artists." The LARP is just sad.

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You're not a fighter. Now go turn sperm into babies and bread into sandwiches.

@ButtWorldsMan I dont use twitter. I dont know who this was. I assume a very based person.

@KekistaniWanderer Venezuela has oil so I would support it as a matter of right of conquest Alexander the Great style.

@KekistaniWanderer I would support the forced deposition of Venezuela. Democracy is meaningless. Freedom is whats important. North Korea is a democracy. Technically. Freedom is what matters.

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