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@Tfmonkey Israel and America are like Master Blaster, and Israel thought that so long as they controlled Blaster, they were invincible. Except that Blaster just got his shit pushed in, and Master has no backup plan B. They did this to themselves.

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@professionalbigot69 This is what happens when you de-industrialize the US with foreign outsourcing. America will lose WW3.

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@Tfmonkey This is really good work for a FDM printer. I used FDM printers but they are for use in making metal casts where the surfaces are machined to final size so accuracy and resolution aren't important. You're doing good work with this stuff.

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I just noticed, not only does the biden on the left have attached earlobes whereas the biden on the right is unattached, but left biden has blue eyes and right biden has brown eyes.

@Tfmonkey You've become very good at FDM printing. I was an early adopter of 3D printing technology in 2016. Its come a long way since then.

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@d0c40r0 I keep forgetting that this year is an election year. Its almost as though elections don't matter anymore. Which begets the question, did they ever really matter?

@greentext How is she, at 50 years old, able to blackmail him if he's younger? What? Wouldn't she be the pedophile here, legally?

Dominoes stock has consistently outperformed Apple, Facebook, and Google over the last decade. Big tech is over-rated.

@shatterrealm The only alternative to ectogenesis is to change laws on who gets what during a divorce. Currently men are made into indentured servants post-divorce. As it stands now my only chance of progeny is ectogenesis because of these legal risks, so I will engineer progeny. These will not be clones, do not confuse ectogenesis with cloning. They are distinct. This is not unethical because everyone has reproductive rights, including men. Women need to give up voting or accept this future.

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