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Joe Biden is either dead or a living corpse on life support. There are so many different Joe Bidens.

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The Nazis aren't wrong that the Palestinians will be imported into Western countries and weaponized against the native population if they don't push Israel's shit in.

Also, due to this conflict, the FBI are (once again) more worried about Islamic terrorist instead of Trump supporters, at least for now.

The enemy of my enemy isn't necessarily my friend, but I certainly hope they fuck my enemy's shit up while I sit back and watch from a distance.

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Watching the Cathedral brutally crack down on Leftist pro-Palestinian protests, and even create a "no-hire list" for college Marxists who spoke out against Israel, when combined with the full throated support the Cathedral is throwing behind Israel, even threatening pre-emptive strikes against Iran and causing WW3, leaves me to conclude that it is, in fact, the Jews.

I can arrive at no other conclusion given the facts and behaviors that I'm seeing. No other hypothesis makes sense.

I was wrong.

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Let me elaborate on my previous post:

It's a matter of observation. This Israel-Hamas war has pitted Communists like BLM (who hate Israel for ideologically consistent reasons) against Jews (who support Israel while being Leftists by employing self-serving double-standards).

Who did the entire Cathedral side with? It sided with the Jews rather than Communists. It even made BLM take back their support of Palestine.

It can't be about Communism primarily, it MUST be Jews

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When was the last time you remember a politician crying over a White kid getting brutally murdered by some black felon with a rap sheet longer than a school bus? When was the last time a Politician cried about some family that got cut to pieces by an MS-13 gang member for the crime of having a house too close to the US Mexico border? Do you remember any politician sobbing over the COVID death vax or the 500k+ massacred in the opioid epidemic by the slacker family? No? Oh that's right, because the parasites in Washington only care about Israel, which is why I hope that country burns to cinders, fuck these treasonous parasites.
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@Tfmonkey You're correct about the effects of capital punishment on pedophiles for fapping to a picture. They may as well just rape and kill an actual child since the punishment is the same. But there is another option. Normal capital punishment for fapping to pictures of kids, and for those who rape an actual child: Drukhari style torture for months on end long after they beg for the sweet merciful release of death.

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