@Tfmonkey You're correct about the effects of capital punishment on pedophiles for fapping to a picture. They may as well just rape and kill an actual child since the punishment is the same. But there is another option. Normal capital punishment for fapping to pictures of kids, and for those who rape an actual child: Drukhari style torture for months on end long after they beg for the sweet merciful release of death.

@dander @Engineer they would just commit suicide if they were about to be arrested in order to avoid the torture, but they would still rape and kill children because they have no victimless outlet.

@Tfmonkey @dander I didn't say it was a good option, lol. I do agree that having victimless outlets to reduce actual victimization is very tenable. I still like the aesthetics of torturing pedophiles that rape actual children (no excuses if there are outlets available). The aesthetics of torturing pedophiles pleases my senses. Just imagining their screams of agony puts a smile on my face.

@Engineer @Tfmonkey @dander - You know, if you spend time on TikTok, it's not long before you see a 13yo female dancing like a whore, bouncing for the camera. And it occurs to me, that user generated content is a thing that exists. Females are whoreish by nature - not good or evil, but just what they are.

So, what is to be done when the user generated content is nuder than TikTok, and the whoreish females are under age? 🤔

It seems to me, that much like white women fucking dogs... This is ➡️

@Engineer @Tfmonkey @dander - ➡️ a matter of control. Taking female rights away, will go farther than anything else, in reducing the amount of underage porn. And just like that, we're back at the crux of the matter. 💁🏻‍♂️

Thankfully, in the post-collapse, I don't see the internet being a thing anymore. And cameras will probably be a lost technology. So in time, this will become a moot issue. 🍻

@Tfmonkey @YoMomz @Engineer @dander Chinese protesters have started wearing mask and taking out camaras. as if that will help.

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