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Engineer boosted

Dominoes stock has consistently outperformed Apple, Facebook, and Google over the last decade. Big tech is over-rated.

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Engineer boosted

Society is like an episode of Beavis and Butthead. No matter what happens or how shitty things get, nobody learns their lesson, they think everything is normal even if its a literal dumpster-fire, and we're all along for the ride (whether we like it or not).

Engineer boosted

@Tfmonkey The crazy thing is, half a century ago back in the mid-70's the same Engineers that sent men to the moon built the most badass hypersonic missile system to intercept incoming soviet ICBM's. It was called the SPRINT system and it reached Mach 10 in 5 seconds from launch. It was deployed for two years and then cancelled and mothballed. All domain expertise is gone, the blueprints are lost, all the men that built it are dead. America decided welfare for shaniqua was more important.

Engineer boosted
Engineer boosted

Look at the earlobes. Your earlobes don't go from being attached to unattached randomly. WTF is going on?

Engineer boosted
Engineer boosted

@Tfmonkey They finally admitted it. Finally. I mean, we already knew it decades ago. But for any normie that has any doubt, here it is.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.