
@Tfmonkey They finally admitted it. Finally. I mean, we already knew it decades ago. But for any normie that has any doubt, here it is.

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@Engineer These losers have the same voice intonation that sounds soyish.

"Like, um, like, let's get rid of Americaaa."

@Engineer @Tfmonkey - I like the way he's unable to articulate anything.

To my mind, 🤔 if you can't articulate something, then it probably doesn't make sense. And that much is obvious here, but the way this guy seems perfectly content to maintain his position, while being unable to even articulate that position... Well, it makes him sound non-human to me - like his life doesn't actually count as a life.

@YoMomz @Engineer that's because his position is just "give me money because I don't want to work".

@Engineer @Tfmonkey (((Communists))) aren't people. They are not deserving of the mercy of a blade or firing squad, rather, they warrant the conviction of a slipknotted rope until every toe ceases to wriggle.

@PatriarchsHittingMarks @Tfmonkey They deserve to be cast into Commorragh for what they've already done to us and our kin. No amount of suffering is too much punishment for their crimes. Just remember, when civilization falls and we have the impunity to enact our just vengeance upon them, do not hesitate or show mercy. They have never shown us mercy in the history of ever, even to our children. Return the favor in-kind. Slay them all as Achilles slayed ALL the high-born youth of Troy.

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