@Tfmonkey I was listening to your show and you talk about how you need to have a well rounded personality and connect with peopl on their level and not make one thing your entire personality, I try to make friends with my normie coworkers but I often find a barrier when it comes to sports, I dont find it imteresting to root for a sport team, have you had an issue like this or how do you takle this situation when you are out with them and they start talking about sports and I am completly lost


@37712 @Tfmonkey I stopped following sports for years. Decided to come back and enjoy them a little bit. Mostly for conversation and I don't mind throwing a game on the side when they roll around kinda like how one would have the radio on while doing chores or labor. The other thing (Maybe it is US only) is there are fantasy sports which you can pretty passively do and it gives you insight into players in a given sport as well. I don't mind enjoying some of the circus for what it is.

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