
@Tfmonkey I was listening to your show and you talk about how you need to have a well rounded personality and connect with peopl on their level and not make one thing your entire personality, I try to make friends with my normie coworkers but I often find a barrier when it comes to sports, I dont find it imteresting to root for a sport team, have you had an issue like this or how do you takle this situation when you are out with them and they start talking about sports and I am completly lost

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@37712 @Tfmonkey
I understand your frustration. I have no interest in sports; so, I learned the absolute basics of the games and the leagues so I could ask enough intelligent questions to get them talking. For example, I learned the basic rules of basketball, football (both kinds), and hockey as well as the names of the leagues and when the major events like playoffs and championships were held. This way I could ask, "Does X team have a chance of winning Y championship this year?"

@37712 @Tfmonkey
It does take a little bit of effort, but think of it like an investment in your interpersonal skills. It will make them like you more if you are a good listener and you take an interest in what they like. Yes, it is boring to listen to them talk about X, but to them, listening to you talk about Y is boring. You have to meet them on their level as TFM said if you want a relationship with them in one or more areas. I hope this helps.

@DoubleD @Tfmonkey ok except that I am a level above that, I dont hate sports I enjoy playing sports I just dont enjoy watching someone else play sports so, I know the game and the rules but when it comes to talking about players and who is they new guy they hired for x position on team B and I like team A and you team sucks bc it is not team A, shit like thay is so fucking retarded to me. These dumb ppl know all about each of the players but dont even know who their senator or governor is

@37712 @Tfmonkey Then don't talk about those things. Let them talk. You can ask questions to get them talking. Remember your objective is to have a relationship, not become one of them.

@37712 @Tfmonkey Can't you find people that interest in video games or tablet roleplay games. That sport stuff Is for Old Boomers those are The only ones still watching sports

@37712 @Tfmonkey

I use to be a huge sports ball fan till I realized it was just the "Circus". These people are looking for a sense of belonging / tribe and don't understand that is the reason why they enjoy it.

What are you hobbies? Its probably better to find friends in those groups then deal with normie coworkers.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Tfmonkey I enjoy playing si gle player games, alone, dont have much time for friends honetly but I am easy to get along with, making friends for me is something thay just comes easy to me, but when it comes to sport teams an players I am lost, and you cant hide from stuff like this cuz you will eventually find yourself having to be in a some kind of team celebreation or something where you will be with a group of people and they start talking about sports

@37712 @Tfmonkey

Same here man. I really never got into the online gameplay. Mostly due to knowing I would be completely sucked in.

Growing up I was too much of a nerd for the jocks and too much of a jock for the nerds. It was constant trying to fit in and bouncing off personality's. I found that if you want to fit in you need to expand your "interests". By interests I mean you don't have to enjoy the knowledge gained per say but enjoy using it to further your goals. Yayyy Touchdown!

@37712 @Tfmonkey I stopped following sports for years. Decided to come back and enjoy them a little bit. Mostly for conversation and I don't mind throwing a game on the side when they roll around kinda like how one would have the radio on while doing chores or labor. The other thing (Maybe it is US only) is there are fantasy sports which you can pretty passively do and it gives you insight into players in a given sport as well. I don't mind enjoying some of the circus for what it is.

@37712 I often when talk to npcs or normies. I usually stick to one thing

Like some people talk about cars

Some about drinking and doing nothing

Another random things

I usually stay in one topic until they want to talk about something else

Because too many times I would bring something more advanced people would look like I am the alien

Like I need to nerf myself to low LVL talk about basic common thing you can thing about

Take people as low lvl players so avoid mid to late game topics

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