@basedbagel the only way to make women in to decent human beings is for the hard times to come back
@37712 @basedbagel I feel like these men never learn no matter how many times reality hits them in the face, that’s why these simps won’t survive the hard times. I think nature has a way of culling these men.
I agree. It's a shame but people would rather die than think, and they often do
@basedbagel @I_AmTheKnight @37712
I don't blame these guys. Accepting that we're in a post-marriage world is a shitty redpill to have to swallow if your heart is set on family.
But yes it does raise the international hoe-flation rate.
Just let the game play itself out. If you really want marriage, it will be back on the menu when we're all standing in the rubble.
@UncleIroh @basedbagel @37712 yeah I’ve heard that some of Muslim no go zones are starting to cuck out.